sofia electric brewing labels

For one of their seasonal beers, Sofia Electric Brewing reached out to me to create two illustration for two imperial sours with lots of fruit in them (35%). I had a great time working on this project, and I'm quite proud to be a part of it, since they gave me the chance to work on a dream of mine - beer labels!

We’ve decided for the labels to be connected with each other by theme, which is flora and butterflies/moths, related to the fruits in each of the beers.

One for day & one for night. The “day” brew label being light with butterflies and the “night” one - with moths. Both illustrations are made by hand, using watercolour, Indian ink and acrylic white ink.

Papillio lux - sour ale with Mango and Passion fruit. The butterfly I’ve chosen is Zebra Longwing (Heliconius charithonia), which host plants are Mango (Mangifera indica) and Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis).

Papillio nox - sour ale with Blackberry, Blueberry and Raspberry. I’ve chosen the Ligurian emperor moth (Saturnia pavoniella) and the Garden tiger moth (Arctic caja) with their host plants - Blackberry (Rubus), Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) and Raspberry (Rubus idaeus).


Beer Labels | Sofia Electric Brewing II - Green Patterns