Linocut Workshop at Sito Studio, Sofia
With this voucher you can take part in one of our monthly linocut workshops for beginners in Sito Studio in Sofia.
There you will be able to learn everything from short history, through all the materials, how to transfer your sketch, carving and printing in you own home.
Also, you’ll be able to meet some new cool people, listen to some music and eat some of my infamous ‘fake’ brownie which became a traditional snake on the workshops.
To save your spot, check my calendar for available dates, contact Sito Studio: or visit their website
See ya there!
With this voucher you can take part in one of our monthly linocut workshops for beginners in Sito Studio in Sofia.
There you will be able to learn everything from short history, through all the materials, how to transfer your sketch, carving and printing in you own home.
Also, you’ll be able to meet some new cool people, listen to some music and eat some of my infamous ‘fake’ brownie which became a traditional snake on the workshops.
To save your spot, check my calendar for available dates, contact Sito Studio: or visit their website
See ya there!
With this voucher you can take part in one of our monthly linocut workshops for beginners in Sito Studio in Sofia.
There you will be able to learn everything from short history, through all the materials, how to transfer your sketch, carving and printing in you own home.
Also, you’ll be able to meet some new cool people, listen to some music and eat some of my infamous ‘fake’ brownie which became a traditional snake on the workshops.
To save your spot, check my calendar for available dates, contact Sito Studio: or visit their website
See ya there!